Math with Dad: Counting in Tens

Readiness of the child:

  • Can count to 100
  • Can write to 100


  • Base 10 blocks (units, tens, hundreds)
  • Pen (pencil)
  • Paper

Activities (Let the child do as much as possible)

  • Explain the unit
  • Count between 1–9 using units. Place the units on the paper, and circle around the units you wish to count. Write decimal representation next to it.
  • Count 10 using units. Write decimal representation for it. Compare 10 units and 1 ten-block. Use and explain the equal sign.
  • Count 10, 20, 30, and so on using ten-blocks. The child might attempt to count the units present in the ten-blocks. That’s fine. Try to lead the child to count in tens (“1 ten is ten, 2 tens is twenty; 3 tens is thirty, so 4 tens is …?”).
  • Now write decimal representation for 1 ten, 2 tens, 3 tens, and so on. If the child is able to count in tens, then she will be able to catch on the pattern of the sequence 10, 20, 30, and so on.