Category: teaching
Math with Dad: Decimals from 1 to 99
Readiness of the child: Child can count in tens Materials Base 10 blocks (units, tens, hundreds) Pen (pencil) Paper Activities (Let the child do as much as possible) Using a 10-block, let the child quickly collect ten 1-blocks (just grab units and lay them side to the 10-block so that you would have a “copy”…
Mathematics is More than Computation
So what, then, remains in mathematics that people need to master? The answer is, the set of skills required to make effective use of those powerful new (procedural) mathematical tools we can access from our smartphone. Whereas it used to be the case that humans had to master the computational skills required to carry out…
Math with Dad: Counting in Tens
Readiness of the child: Can count to 100 Can write to 100 Materials Base 10 blocks (units, tens, hundreds) Pen (pencil) Paper Activities (Let the child do as much as possible) Explain the unit Count between 1–9 using units. Place the units on the paper, and circle around the units you wish to count. Write…